Jaeyeon Kim


Hi everyone! I’m Jaeyeon Kim, a recent graduate with a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering and Philosophy from Seoul National University. I am currently a research intern at the Seoul National University Vision and Learning Lab, advised by Professor Gunhee Kim, where I focus on audio-visual learning.

My primary research interests lie in developing artificial intelligence that understand and interact with the world in a human-like manner by integrating multiple modalities, particularly by bridging linguistic and visual knowledge with auditory information.

selected publications

  1. visage.png
    ViSAGe: Video-to-Spatial Audio Generation
    Jaeyeon Kim , Heeseung Yun, and Gunhee Kim
    In ICLR , 2025
  2. enclap++.png
    EnCLAP++: Analyzing the EnCLAP Framework for Optimizing Automated Audio Captioning Performance
    Jaeyeon Kim , Minjeong Jeon, Jaeyoon Jung, Sang Hoon Woo, and Jinjoo Lee
    In DCASE2024 Workshop , 2024
  3. learning_semantic.png
    Learning Semantic Information from Raw Audio Signal Using Both Contextual and Phonetic Representations
    Jaeyeon Kim , Injune Hwang, and Kyogu Lee
    In ICASSP , 2024
  4. enclap.png
    EnCLAP: Combining Neural Audio Codec and Audio-Text Joint Embedding for Automated Audio Captioning
    Jaeyeon Kim , Jaeyoon Jung, Jinjoo Lee, and Sang Hoon Woo
    In ICASSP , 2024
  5. pits.png
    PITS: Variational pitch inference without fundamental frequency for end-to-end pitch-controllable TTS
    Junhyeok Lee, Wonbin Jung, Hyunjae Cho,  Jaeyeon Kim , and Jaehwan Kim
    In ICML Workshop on Structured Probabilistic Inference & Generative Modeling , 2023